News - page 34


Beem is an XMPP client which, as yet, offers a fairly basic range of options but is under active development. There are a few quirks that mean it’s probably not quite ready for prime time yet, most notably the fact that it doesn’t always handle disconnections very well. One of...


If you use MythTV (and if not, why not?) then you need MythMote. It’s a remote control that communicates with all your MythTV front ends over the network. Why is this better than a normal remote? Just some of the many reasons: The interface is better No infra-red – the...

LifeSaver 2

LifeSaver 2 is a simple but very useful app that backs up your call log and SMS messages to your SD card, and allows you to restore them later. This is useful for general everyday backups, as a means of exporting this data in an easy format for use elsewhere,...


Following on from yesterday’s article about app permissions, here’s some more practical help in the form of an app that lets you review the permissions you’ve granted to everything that’s currently installed. The imaginatively titled Permissions shows all the available permissions on your phone in a big list, with those...

Connect Your Charger

I always think popping up a “Battery Low – Connect Your Charger” message is a very thoughtless thing to do, and with battery life being what it is it’s something I get to think about quite a lot. For one thing, if I was able to connect my charger I...

No such thing as a free beer?

Ars technica is reporting on a study that reveals that, unbeknownst to the user, some Android apps are sending personal information such as telephone numbers and GPS coordinates off to unknown recipients. The only surprising thing here is that anyone is surprised. When we talk about FOSS we talk about...

K-9 Mail

Everyone needs an email client, and unfortunately the stock Android client is very poor indeed – presumably because most of the development focus was on the GMail app. Luckily for those that don’t use GMail, or use other accounts too, the developers of K-9 Mail came to the rescue with...

F-Droid Is Here

F-Droid is dedicated to Free and Open Source (FOSS) software on the Android platform. Here you will find news, reviews and other features covering all things Android and software-freedom related.