FOSDEM Schedules
Posted on Feb 04, 2011 by
It seemed like a shame that although there are two choices of FOSS application to keep track of the busy FOSDEM schedule on your phone, you were told, or indeed forced, to use proprietary software to get your hands on them. Well no more – they’re both in the repository...
Repository Client 0.20
Posted on Feb 01, 2011 by
The latest release of the FDroid Repository Client, version 0.20, is now available. You can get it from the repository page or, if you already have an earlier version installed, just update. The main changes since the previous official release are: Signed repository index. Although all the applications in the...
Repository Client 0.17
Posted on Jan 17, 2011 by
The latest release of the FDroid Repository Client, version 0.17, is now available. You can get it from the repository page or, if you already have an earlier version installed, just update. The main changes since the previous version are: Search – this has started to become an essential feature...
Posted on Jan 06, 2011 by
No prizes for guessing that Sokoban is an implementation of the classic game Sokoban. Unless you’ve never heard of it of course. I’ll assume that’s the case, otherwise this would be a very short review. Sokoban is 30 years old, and is a puzzle game that involves moving your character...
Repository Client 0.14
Posted on Nov 15, 2010 by
The latest release of the FDroid Repository Client, version 0.14, is now available. You can get it from the repository page or, if you already have an earlier version installed, just update. The main changes since the previous version are: Background updating of the repository index, and notification of updates...
Posted on Nov 04, 2010 by
ConnectBot is an essential tool for the sysadmin on the move, or the stationary sysadmin on the beach. It’s a fully functional SSH client packed with useful features, including: Multiple concurrent connections that stay open in the background Port forwarding Key management, for password-less logins A clever feature is ‘URL...
The Donate Pledge
Posted on Oct 22, 2010 by
A while back I read about the Paid App Pledge over at Android Guys. I didn’t want to sign up to that – the last thing I want to do is encourage more hidden source code. The intention is a good one though – encouraging more high quality software on...
Missile Intercept
Posted on Oct 22, 2010 by
Missile Intercept is a game modelled on the classic Missile Command, complete with retro-style graphics. You’re defending three cities at the bottom of the screen from destruction by incoming enemy missiles. The gameplay changes somewhat due to the touch screen interface, because you aim your counter-missiles by simply touching the...