Take-Down Requests


This document covers how you may send a request to remove content or apps from the official f-droid.org repository. Our team checks all app submissions we receive for compliance with our inclusion policy to the best of their abilities. Please let us know if an app in the official f-droid.org repository infringes on your rights by submitting a take-down request.

The official f-droid.org repository is a distribution service/platform for FOSS apps and will be called downstream in the remainder of this document. F-Droid does not hold any rights to the apps in the official f-droid.org repository other than those granted by their respective license. The authors/copyright holders of said apps will be called upstream in the remainder of this document.

Submitting Take-Down Requests

Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our policies and take-down procedure before submitting any take-down requests. You have to make sure that requests you’re submitting to us, contain all information required by our team to check the legitimacy of your claims. If you submit an incomplete request, we will have to ask you for clarifications.

Copyright based take-down requests must at least include:

  • link to the infringing content on f-droid.org
  • full copyright attribution (author/artists/copyright holder, copyright date, …)
  • publishing information (publisher, publishing medium, publishing date, web links to postings/store-listings/e-commerce-listings/etc., …)
  • license information
  • written description of the copyrighted material
  • short statement about the author/artist/copyright holder/etc. which explains their field of expertise/field of interest/business/etc. or a concise explanation why this information is not available.

If your take-down request is not based on copyright, you will still need to supply ample information that allows us to check your request. (e.g. trademark registration information, inclusion policy violation information, etc.)

Note that some apps distributed by downstream may connect to 3rd party services or rely on 3rd party software. Downstream does not connect to these services or rely on this software, so their Terms of Service, Terms of Use or similar agreements usually do not provide an enforceable basis for take-down requests.

Also please note that f-droid.org is a volunteer driven organization. We prioritize take-down requests, but we can’t guarantee instant responses.

You should preferably submit take-down requests by starting a new issue in our issue tracker. (This requires a gitlab.com account.)

Alternatively if you prefer you can send your request to our team E-Mail account. team@f-droid.org (Our team will still open a public issue in our issue tracker and quote your request there.)

Take-down requests can not be confidential. By submitting a take-down request you automatically grant us permission to publish your request on our web-sites and our issue trackers.

Transparency reporting

All take-down requests we receive regarding apps on the official f-droid.org repository are transparently disclosed in our issue tracker and merge-request tracker under the Takedown Request label.

3rd party repositories

Third party repositories are not under our control what so ever. If you think a 3rd party repository is violating your rights you will have to get in contact with their respective operators. Procedures described here apply exclusively to f-droid.org.