Repository Style Guide

This page is a work in progress, and needs attention from experts on the subject, especially on fact checking.

This guide gives some more detailed information on what to store in metadata fields. Most items are outdated and will be merge with the manual over time.

Source Code

The F-Droid server does not directly publish an APK online, instead the F-Droid server needs a buildable source to build an APK from. This way the server guarantees that the resulting APK accurately represents the source code without any hidden anti-features.

Because F-Droid builds every app from its source code (via the Android SDK with ant, gradle or maven, sometimes with help from the Android NDK, standard GNU/Linux programs and a little pre-processing in the BASH shell), probably if you can see a file called AndroidManifest.xml or build.gradle in your sources then there are many possibilities that F-Droid will be able to build it.

Note that most projects call upon pre-built libraries. The source code for these is found elsewhere. For ant, these will be found in the libs/ folder and external ones are mentioned in the files; for gradle, these will be mentioned in build.gradle and are usually pulled from; for maven there will be pom.xml files which describe the dependencies. If native code pre-built libraries are used, these will often be found in res/raw/ or assets/: there should be something said about these in the README. The example above has one jar file dependency with a text reference and doesn’t use any external libraries, so no extra references are needed.


  • E.g. Overall: (overall of a source code under a GPLv3+ license); - E.g. Source code header: (header of a file under a GPLv3+ license); - E.g. Libraries: (see the LICENSE file with the Apache License, Version 2.0 license for that library); - E.g. Artwork: (see the CC BY-SA 3.0 license for artworks)

All apps in the F-Droid repository must be FOSS (Free and Open Source software). If the software doesn’t clearly state a license that is listed as a Free Software License in the GNU license list then it probably isn’t.

If there aren’t any README or LICENSE in the source code of the app it’s very difficult for the F-Droid community verify that the entire source code, libraries and artwork each are released under a suitable Free and Open Source license. So, it’s a good pratice to verify that the app has headers in every file of the source code, a text file in the library folder and a statement in the source code or on the official website of the app that clearly explain the license about all the stuff that can be find related the app.

Note: There is a little precisation to do about the use of the GNU General Public License v2. The Android support library and most other Android libraries are licensed under the Apache Licence. Due to technical legal reasons, these can’t be combined with the GNU General Public License v2. In case of an app released under the GPLv2, it is legally accepted only if the source code headers of the app say «GPLv2 or later», then we can choose the overall licence to be GPLv3 (this because on the contrary the GPLv3 is full legally compatible with the Android support library and the others libraries).


The summary should be the shortest possible thing that describes what the app does or enables the user to do, e.g. instead of “E-mail client” use “Receive and send e-mails”.


Descriptions should be written in an objective, neutral style, with at least the first paragraph devoted to describing what the application is and what features it has. This can be followed with concise help for specific features/problems, and links to external resources for more information. Additional information such as links to related/compatible/required (but not alternative) applications should also be included where appropriate.

Some other notes:

  • Phrases like “a note-taking app for Android” should never appear. Obviously it’s for Android. Obviously it’s an app.
  • Similary, don’t say “it’s free software” or “it’s open source” because obviously it is.
  • There shouldn’t be any compatiblity-related things in there (e.g. “for Android 2.3+”) because this is handled automatically. Only include compatibility notes when the client app doesn’t automatically detect them.
  • The summary will always be shown with the description, so avoid repeating it.
  • If there is anything different about the F-Droid build compared to a standard one, it should be described.
  • There should never be anything written from the developer’s point of view, e.g. “I wrote this cat gallery app because I like cats”.

Other information worth mentioning are:

  • Does the app require root permissions?
  • Can it interact with other apps?
  • How easy is it to use?


Where a project accepts donations, the ideal donation link would be to a specific page that the project maintains for that purpose. If one doesn’t exist, it’s acceptable to just link to their page that has a donation icon or similar somewhere on it, but this doesn’t create a good user experience when, for example, someone selects ‘Donate’ in the F-Droid client and then has to search a page for the details. Try to encourage the developers to create a dedicate page if possible.


In addition some software, even being Free and Open Source software, may do practices which can be considered undesirable and that we consider AntiFeatures”. Where possible the F-Droid community still include these applications in the repository but flagging and cataloging these antifeatures in order to warn users (on the F-Droid client and on the web repository browser) by any antifeatures present on the app. Even though software can be included in the F-Droid even with antifeatures, it is frequently the case that software with these antifeatures is actually not entirely FOSS (for example advertising and tracking user activity is often enabled via Non-Free binary libraries) compromising in this way the inclusion of the app in the F-Droid repository.


Getting the app in the repository isn’t the end of the story: we have to keep the versions, descriptions and URLs up-to-date.

The most important is to know when new versions are published. We have three automatic methods and one manual: from tags; checking the AndroidManifest.xml at the most recent revision in the repository; and checking Google Play. If these won’t do, we must look at the version of the package published by the upstream developers, either by loading the Google Play web page or downloading an APK and checking its version. Repository tags are the natural way of labelling new versions (look for them under “releases” on an example in or under the “tags” directory in the case of SVN repos). If you can’t find tags it would be a helpful to make an issue about it on the issue tracker. In the example, we point to a changelog page as a backup check; other possiblities are a Google Code download page or a Google Play link.