Client 0.96 Released
Posted on Sep 16, 2015 by
The latest release of the F-Droid Repository Client, version 0.96 is now available. You can download it from the home page or, if you already have an earlier version installed, just update.
This is a maintenance release, with the following changes from 0.95.1
- Move the repo index update to a notification
- Handle apk downloads without a dialog
- Don’t let users try to uninstall system apps that haven’t been updated
- Various bugfixes in the process that installs F-Droid as a privileged app
- Fix privileged installer confirmation screen issues on Android 2.X/3.X/4.X
- Disable HTTPS support in swap until it’s stable
- Fix a few crashes, including package receivers and NFC actions
- Translation updates
As usual, if you have problems or feature requests, please let us know via the issue tracker, join us in the Forum or visit #fdroid on FreeNode.