Client 0.88 Released
Posted on Apr 29, 2015 by
The latest release of the F-Droid Repository Client, version 0.88, is now available. You can download it from the home page or, if you already have an earlier version installed, just update.
Main changes since 0.83:
- Show list of apps in the update notification (on devices with Android 4.1 or higher)
- User interface language can now be changed from inside the F-Droid preferences without changing the system language (locale)
- Fix an issue where xml files could pile up in the data directory
- Improve app and search link handling while also adding supporting for Amazon and Google Play links
- Fix regression where F-Droid web repo links would trigger an “Add new repo” action
- Show a message to the user when there are no apps to display.
- Swapping is now two way. Connecting to a swap on one device will initiate a swap on the other device.
- Small UI fixes to avoid overlapping text and improve app version ellipsizing.
- Split up search terms when querying the app database – “fire fox” now matches FireFox
- Ignore trailing paces in search terms introduced by some input methods
- Fixed bug where categories were always empty on non-English locales
- Misc fixes to the “swap” workflow (especially on Android 2.3 devices)
As usual, if you have problems or feature requests, please let us know via the issue tracker, join us in the Forum or visit #fdroid on FreeNode.