Help advance mobile device user freedom: Nominate candidates by March 19 for the F-Droid board of directors

Nominations are now open for the F-Droid board of directors! The all-volunteer board serves the F-Droid community of users, developers, and contributors, working to advance the cause of mobile device user freedom.

There are potentially four seats open on the board. These seats are open because the term lengths for last year’s initial cohort of directors were intentionally staggered, so that only approximately half the seats would be open each year. The directors whose terms are ending in this cycle may either step down or choose to seek re-election. Newly elected directors will serve two-year terms.

Please send your candidate nominations by email to no later than March 19th Anywhere On Earth. You may nominate yourself or others. If nominating others, please first confirm that the nominee is in fact interested, send one email per nominee, and copy that nominee on the email you send to us. In the nominations, please include a description of why you think the candidate would make an excellent board member – links to work online may be helpful to include. We will confirm receipt of each nomination.

Candidates do not need to be developers. In fact, we need a diverse set of backgrounds and life experiences on the board, with a range of skills and perspectives, in order to succeed. Current areas of board focus include organizational governance and legal affairs, fundraising and financial management, and community conduct and mediation.

Board members are expected to attend a monthly meeting by free software video call, of about an hour in length, and to do a few hours of work related to specific projects and subcommittees between those meetings. The first meeting that newly elected board members will attend will be on April 18, 2024 (meetings are currently on the third Thursday of each month at 16:00 UTC).

Nominations will be reviewed and voted on by the current board members. More information about the process and the organization’s other policies can be found in our statutes with Commons Conservancy.

Please submit your nominations by March 19th, and share this invitation widely, to help inspire many other nominations. The board can do a lot to help F-Droid grow as a technical project and a global community, but we need people passionate about the cause of freedom on mobile devices to take on the challenges we face. With all of the public attention currently on the ways Apple and Google run their mobile app stores, this is an incredibly exciting – and important – time to get involved!

John Sullivan, Vice Chair, F-Droid Board of Directors