One nineteen suggested to all

TWIF generated on Thursday, 22 Feb 2024, Week 8

F-Droid core

F-Droid and F-Droid Basic were updated to 1.19.1 to fix some theming issues, add more translations and polish something supersecret you’ll get to find about soon. In more important news, version 1.19.0 is now marked as suggested so the update is finally sent to all the F-Droid users out there, not just our loyal fan base that have “enabled Beta”. 🎉

Another change that 1.19.0 brought was related to the default repositories. Historically, given the Guardian Project’s involvement in F-Droid, we’ve shipped their repo in-app but not enabled by default. As time passed, Guardian’s needs to host apps have not aligned with F-Droid’s FOSS policies so it was finally decided to remove their repo from the default install, meaning that new installs will not have it. If you already do, it will stay put as you wish.

Our very own @eighthave has penned a post from the future to explain in detail what’s going on and also talk about the future of the most wanted apps from that repo, Orbot and Tor Browser.

Community News

@linsui extracts some news:

While Orbot might not be easily installed by default from now on, TorServices (alpha) was just updated to 0.2.1. It does not have all the bells and whistles of Orbot, but it offers the barebones in a light app. You can enable “Use Tor” in Conversations, SOCKS in Netguard or your own favourite app proxy settings, and you are ready to go.

ZipXtract FD was updated to 4.3.2 but this version is now lacking “RAR extraction, Multipart RAR extraction, 7z compression”, since these were based on proprietary code.

@Licaon_Kter is waving flags:

Jami was updated to 20240215-01, but did you notice that “the new conversation UI is now available for everyone on Android”? Yes, devs are hard at work to make it better for the eye and faster.

Organic Maps: Hike, Bike, Drive Offline was mentioned as downgraded in TWIF24 week 4 per the developers wishes. This week it was brought back up to date to version 2024.02.06-11-FDroid hence make sure you update and download the updated maps as well, so your next trips are better guided. The F-Droid website has yet to detail why the app is flagged with an anti-feature (the client does explain), but it’s there because: “Map download service (cdn* is free and open source, but not user changeable. Hotel widget includes a link to not contained in original map data”. More about Anti-Features here.

Stitch, your handy tool for picture stitching on the go, is back after being gone for 8 months. (#2894)

Newly Added Apps

4 apps were newly added

Intermezzo from Licaon_Kter

As usual the next section is this huge dry wall of text listing the other updated apps. Many of you have complained that it’s a boring section, and we agree. The sections above are full of exciting (and hopefully new) information, but truth be told we can’t really follow up all the 100-200 app updates that get pushed weekly. We might use one of those apps so we follow its development, we might fix a build and thus get a spicy detail from the commit messages, but otherwise, it all might be on autoupdate and working surely, yet quietly. Each update can hold some beautiful or amazing feat that only you know about, because you care, so if it’s game-changing, or just scratches an itch, please drop by our special forum thread and let everyone else know about it. 🎁

Updated Apps

118 more apps were updated

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