Client 0.83 Released
Posted on Mar 26, 2015 by
The latest release of the F-Droid Repository Client, version 0.83, is now available. You can download it from the home page or, if you already have an earlier version installed, just update.
Main changes since 0.78:
- Fix possible crashes when installing or uninstalling apps.
- Fix issue that caused the installed state label to sometimes not be updated.
- Support for future devices with more than two cpu architectures.
- Show when packages are installed but not via F-Droid (mismatching signature).
- Fix possible background crash concerning the category list change listener.
- Add an option to check for repository updates less often.
- Get rid of the confusing checkbox on/off descriptions.
- Translation updates.
As usual, if you have problems or feature requests, please let us know via the issue tracker, join us in the Forum or visit #fdroid on FreeNode.