FOSDEM Schedules
Posted on Feb 04, 2011 by
It seemed like a shame that although there are two choices of FOSS application to keep track of the busy FOSDEM schedule on your phone, you were told, or indeed forced, to use proprietary software to get your hands on them. Well no more – they’re both in the repository now.
Option one is the dedicated FOSDEM application, as seen in the first screenshot.
On my device, this had quite a few visual flaws – half chopped off text in the lists, and even in the main logo.
Also, a greyed-out button tells me I need to press a ‘Search’ hardware button I don’t have in order to search Hint: the SDK docs explain how to do search properly.
On the other hand, being a dedicated app it’s easier to use, packed with detailed information and works very well.
Option two is Giggity, which is a more generic solution. Although it comes preloaded with the data for this year’s FOSDEM, it’s a generic schedule viewer that can load and display xcal/Pentabarf XML files for any kind of event.
This one could save you from having to have a different app for every conference you attend.
Both apps can remind you of upcoming events you’ve favourited. Each application has its strengths and weaknesses – maybe you should grab both to be on the safe side. Search for ‘FOSDEM’ in the FDroid client, or get the APKs direct from here and here.