Package-level declarations
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data class AntiFeatureV2(val icon: LocalizedFileV2 = emptyMap(), val name: LocalizedTextV2, val description: LocalizedTextV2 = emptyMap())
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data class CategoryV2(val icon: LocalizedFileV2 = emptyMap(), val name: LocalizedTextV2, val description: LocalizedTextV2 = emptyMap())
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data class Entry(val timestamp: Long, val version: Long, val maxAge: Int? = null, val index: EntryFileV2, val diffs: Map<String, EntryFileV2> = emptyMap())
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class EntryVerifier(jarFile: File, expectedSigningCertificate: String?, expectedSigningFingerprint: String?) : JarIndexVerifier
Verifies the entry.jar
file of Index V2.
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class IndexV2DiffStreamProcessor(indexStreamReceiver: IndexV2DiffStreamReceiver, json: Json = IndexParser.json) : IndexV2StreamProcessor
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interface IndexV2DiffStreamReceiver
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class IndexV2FullStreamProcessor(indexStreamReceiver: IndexV2StreamReceiver, json: Json = IndexParser.json) : IndexV2StreamProcessor
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interface IndexV2StreamProcessor
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interface IndexV2StreamReceiver
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data class ManifestV2(val versionName: String, val versionCode: Long, val usesSdk: UsesSdkV2? = null, val maxSdkVersion: Int? = null, val signer: SignerV2? = null, val usesPermission: List<PermissionV2> = emptyList(), val usesPermissionSdk23: List<PermissionV2> = emptyList(), val nativecode: List<String> = emptyList(), val features: List<FeatureV2> = emptyList()) : PackageManifest
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data class MetadataV2(val name: LocalizedTextV2? = null, val summary: LocalizedTextV2? = null, val description: LocalizedTextV2? = null, val added: Long, val lastUpdated: Long, val webSite: String? = null, val changelog: String? = null, val license: String? = null, val sourceCode: String? = null, val issueTracker: String? = null, val translation: String? = null, val preferredSigner: String? = null, val categories: List<String> = emptyList(), val authorName: String? = null, val authorEmail: String? = null, val authorWebSite: String? = null, val authorPhone: String? = null, val donate: List<String> = emptyList(), val liberapayID: String? = null, val liberapay: String? = null, val openCollective: String? = null, val bitcoin: String? = null, val litecoin: String? = null, val flattrID: String? = null, val icon: LocalizedFileV2? = null, val featureGraphic: LocalizedFileV2? = null, val promoGraphic: LocalizedFileV2? = null, val tvBanner: LocalizedFileV2? = null, val video: LocalizedTextV2? = null, val screenshots: Screenshots? = null)
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interface PackageManifest
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data class PackageV2(val metadata: MetadataV2, val versions: Map<String, PackageVersionV2> = emptyMap())
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interface PackageVersion
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data class PackageVersionV2(val added: Long, val file: FileV1, val src: FileV2? = null, val manifest: ManifestV2, val releaseChannels: List<String> = emptyList(), val antiFeatures: Map<String, LocalizedTextV2> = emptyMap(), val whatsNew: LocalizedTextV2 = emptyMap()) : PackageVersion
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object ReflectionDiffer
A class using Kotlin reflection to implement JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7386) against data classes. This approach loses type-safety, so you need to ensure that the structure of the JsonObject matches exactly the structure of the data class you want to apply the diff on. If something unexpected happens, SerializationException gets thrown.
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data class ReleaseChannelV2(val name: LocalizedTextV2, val description: LocalizedTextV2 = emptyMap())
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data class RepoV2(val name: LocalizedTextV2 = emptyMap(), val icon: LocalizedFileV2 = emptyMap(), val address: String, val webBaseUrl: String? = null, val description: LocalizedTextV2 = emptyMap(), val mirrors: List<MirrorV2> = emptyList(), val timestamp: Long, val antiFeatures: Map<String, AntiFeatureV2> = emptyMap(), val categories: Map<String, CategoryV2> = emptyMap(), val releaseChannels: Map<String, ReleaseChannelV2> = emptyMap())
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data class Screenshots(val phone: LocalizedFileListV2? = null, val sevenInch: LocalizedFileListV2? = null, val tenInch: LocalizedFileListV2? = null, val wear: LocalizedFileListV2? = null, val tv: LocalizedFileListV2? = null)